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VO mpi-kickstart.egi.eu

The MPI-Kicktart Virtual Organization brings together sites and users inetrested in improving MPI reliability across EGI. It is closely associated with EGI's MPI VT (Virtual Team, https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/VT_MPI_within_EGI (EGI SSO account required to access))

Usage rules

The VO's resources are intended primarily for testing/running MPI jobs. Users must accept that before the configuration of resources (namely wrt. MPI capabilities) stabilizes, the environment may not me stable. RULES

Your acceptance of these facts is a requirement for access to MPI VO resources. If you do not agree with them your registration process can not succeed properly. 


Generallly speaking any person working in academic environment is a suitable candidate for obtaining an account at MPI. Concerning the fact that work in a distributed grid environment requires secure access to resources it is necessary to obtain a valid personal certificate from an internationally accepted certification authority for proper utilization of provided computational infrastructure.

If you are a person interested in utilization of MPI resources, please visit and fill in MPI registration form (using a browser with your personal certificate loaded in the browser).

Approval of a new member

Procedure of the approval of a new member is the following: registration form generates an entry in the database and a mail to the VO manager. 

Account extension

Your MPI VO membership is bound to the extension of your MPI VO account required at the end of each year. Your MPI VO account can be extended online by filling form field, in which you have to decribe your current MPI activities including new, planned ones.

Computing resources

Computing resources provided for the VO will be dedicated resources of sites participating in the collaboration.

Users Support

All problems should be reported and solved through the mailing list of the MPI VT (vt-mpi at EGI.eu's mailman: members only).

VO managers


Last changed:Wed Feb 26 10:21:11 CET 2014